A lovely wordy card all about grandparents. Make your grandparents cry (in a nice way!) on their birthday or wedding anniversary.
In a striking black and red design this typographic Grandparents card features both fun and heartfelt phrases such as...
Becoming a grandparent is wonderful - one moment you're just a parent, the next you are all-wise and prehistoric. The simplest toy, one which even the youngest child can operate, is called a grandparent. Grandparents are parents with lots of frosting.
The word 'Grandparents' is highlighted in red. This card is left blank inside for your own words.
Comes with a matching white envelope and sealed inside a cellophane bag. Posted in a rigid envelope.
Copyright © Coulson Macleod Limited. All rights reserved.
An I love you card full of heartfelt quotes about love. Perfect birthday card or anniversary card for your other half. The ultimate love card.
This love card features phrases in a distressed typewriter-style font such as...
Anyone can catch your eye, but it takes someone special to catch your heart. True love stories never have endings. To the world, you are one person, but to one person you are the world. When love is not madness, it is not love. A life with love will have some thorns, but a life without love will have no roses.
The words 'I Love You' are highlighted in red.
If you choose to personalise this card the name will be highlighted in red; as will the words 'I Love You'. We do not send you a proof so please make sure you spell the name correctly when you type it into the box.
This card is left blank inside for your own special words.
Comes with a white envelope and sealed inside a cellophane bag. Posted in a rigid envelope.
New baby card featuring lots of fun and heartfelt quotes about babies.
Celebrate the birth of a new arrival with this striking black and red design (great for those that want to send something a little different to the usual pink for girls, blue for boys). This typographic birthday card features fun and heartfelt phrases such as...
A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for. The worst feature of a new baby is its mother's singing. Even when freshly washed and relieved of all obvious confections, children tend to be sticky.
The word 'Babies' is highlighted in red. It comes with a matching white envelope and sealed inside a cellophane bag. Posted in a rigid envelope.
This typographic new baby card is left blank inside for your own words.
The artwork is printed onto highest quality G.F. Smith Accent Antique Eco White recycled paper. Dimensions: 15cm x 15cm.
Copyright © Coulson Macleod Limited. All rights reserved.
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A brilliant card to send to a best buddy.
This fabulous greeting card features lots of quotes about friendship. Send it to your best friend as a birthday card or just as a reminder of your friendship, and they'll be so very touched.
In a striking black and red design, this typographic greeting card features phrases such as...
"Nothing is better than a friend, except a friend with chocolate." "If you have one true friend you have more than your share." "The greatest gift of life is friendship."
The word 'friendship' is highlighted in red. It comes with a matching white envelope and sealed inside a cellophane bag. Posted in a rigid envelope. This typographic greetings card is left blank inside for your own words. Dimensions 15cm x 15cm
The artwork is printed onto highest quality G.F. Smith Accent Antique Eco White recycled paper.
An original birthday card featuring lots of quotes about birthdays. In a striking black and red design this typographic card features fun and heartfelt phrases such as...
"You know you're getting old when the only thing you want for your birthday is not to be reminded of it." "Birthdays are good for you - statistics show that the people who have the most live the longest." "The best birthdays of all are those that haven't arrived yet." "Live everyday like its your birthday." "A birthday is just the first day of another 365-day journey around the sun." "Enjoy the trip."
The words 'Happy Birthday' are highlighted in red. Comes with a matching white envelope and sealed inside a cellophane bag. Posted in a rigid envelope. This typographic greeting card is left blank inside for your own words.
The artwork is printed onto highest quality G.F. Smith Accent Antique Eco White recycled paper. dimensions: 15 x 15cm square.
Copyright © Coulson Macleod Limited. All rights reserved.
An original greeting card featuring lots of quotes about families.
In a striking black and red design this typographic card features fun and heartfelt phrases such as...
"Friends come and go but family will always be there."
The word 'Family' is highlighted in red. The card comes with a matching white envelope and sealed inside a cellophane bag. Posted in a rigid envelope.
This typographic greeting card is left blank inside for your own words. The artwork is printed onto highest quality G.F. Smith Accent Antique Eco White recycled paper. Dimensions: 15 x 15cm square.
Copyright © Coulson Macleod Limited. All rights reserved.
An original wedding or anniversary card featuring lots of quotes about marriage.
In a striking black and red design this typographic wedding card features fun and heartfelt phrases such as...
A heart in love hears music even when there is silence. Marriage is the alliance of two people, one of whom never remembers birthdays and the other who never forgets them. Happy marriages begin when we marry the ones we love, and they blossom when we love the ones we marry.
The word 'marriage' is highlighted in red. Comes with a matching white envelope and sealed inside a cellophane bag. Posted in a rigid envelope.
This typographic wedding or anniversary card is left blank inside for your own words.
The artwork is printed onto highest quality G.F. Smith Accent Antique Eco White recycled paper. Dimensions: 15cm x 15cm.
Copyright © Coulson Macleod Limited. All rights reserved.